PARSA Patrol Pups

PARSA has rescued puppies for over 15 years at the Kabul Marastoon. Our main office area is a refuge for mother dogs from the harsh realities of the street, and our Afghan staff bring us most of our rescue puppies. We have learned that teaching compassion for animals takes many turns in our work. We also consider it a public health service as we make sure all of our rescues are vaccinated and neutered, which is a humane way to reduce the stray population.

PARSA launched our PARSA Patrol Pups as an education and adoption program for Afghans. All of our adoptees are vaccinated and neutered by either Nowzad clinic or Kabul Small Animal Rescue. They are socialized and then given to Afghans who are ready for a dog and can commit to long-term care. Dogs cared for by Afghans usually have jobs, such as the dogs that hang around police guard stations and bark when there is an unusual intruder. PARSA conducts follow up visits and we give guarantees for the dogs so that if it doesn’t work out they can come back to us.

At our PARSA main office, we have two PARSA Patrol Pups, Socks and three-legged Red Tiger, who inspired the program and are so popular with our staff and beneficiaries that we have become a center for Afghans asking for help for injured dogs that they find or for puppies that need rescuing.

We believe that animal control is the route to safe streets and we appreciate your donation, which will go primarily to veterinary care for our rescues, a small salary for our dog walker, and daily dog food.
Please click the button below to donate via PayPal, or contact us to discuss other ways to support the PPP program.